Integration of Currency with other Infor solutions

The Currency solution impacts all of the other financial solutions.

  • Even if an accounting entity does not use multiple currencies, a functional currency must be defined.
  • The currency exchange rates that are used for converting transaction currencies to the accounting entity's functional currency must be defined in Currency.
  • Optionally, the accounting entity's alternate currencies and the finance enterprise group's enterprise currencies.
  • All data flows in an outward direction from Currency. All of the processing of data occurs in the other solutions.

This table shows the interaction between Currency and other Infor solutions:

Solutions Description


These solutions use currency exchange rate tables:
  • To convert non-functional transaction amounts.
  • To revalue or remeasure transaction amounts when there are open invoices at the end of a period.

    Currency gains or losses that are incurred as a result of revaluation are calculated. The amounts are posted to the Global Ledger gain and loss accounts in the finance enterprise group.

Other Financials & Supply Management solutions except Global Ledger Each system can use a specific exchange rate table or the table. See the user guide for the each solution for more information.
Global Ledger
  • Amounts are revalued for a reporting basis. Revaluation is the process of checking summarized transaction currency amounts against current rates. If the rates have changed, then the amounts are adjusted to match the new rates. Offsetting amounts are created for the unrealized gain or unrealized loss account. Revaluation occurs only for accounts that are flagged to revalue.
  • Amounts are translated for a reporting basis, typically at the end of each period. The period rates are used to translate an accounting entity functional currency amounts to:
    • Entities
    • Alternate currency amounts
    • The enterprise currency amounts defined in the finance enterprise group
  • Amounts are stored in Global Ledger using these currency solutions:
    • The transaction currency
    • The accounting entity functional currency
    • The accounting entity alternate currencies, if applicable
    • The project currency, if applicable
    • All of the enterprise currencies that are defined for the finance enterprise group