Removing multiple hold codes

Journal entries that have a hold code cannot be posted until you remove the hold code. You can remove hold codes for a single journal entry or for multiple journal entries.

  1. Select Processing > Journal > Journals.
  2. On the Unreleased or Released tab, select Actions > Remove Hold Code.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select the accounting entity for the journal entries to include in the hold code removal.
    Select Unreleased or Released for the status of the journal entries to include in the hold code removal. The default value is Unreleased.
    Select the period of the journal entries to include in the hold code removal.
    Hold Code
    If this field is blank, then hold codes are removed. To remove a single hold code from the journal entries, specify the hold code to remove.
  4. Click OK.
    When the action is complete, the hold codes for the journal entries that meet the selected criteria are removed from the Hold Code field. If the journal entries are in Released status, then they can be posted.