Using total in an allocation line source compute statement

You can return balances from the cube and apply them in the allocation calculation when referencing the custom total in the allocation line source compute statement. Using the custom total, you can return balances for dimensions specified in the source address. The balances are returned by specifying the source address fields as overrides to the custom total fields.

You can use any fields in the AllocationLine business class as overrides for which the custom compute statement for the source is associated to.

This table provides details when overriding the custom total dimension values with the dimension values in the source address.

GeneralLedgerTotal field Override value source address field
GeneralLedgerTotal.Ledger TransientSourceLedger
Accounting Entity SourceAddress.AccountingEntity
GeneralLedgerTotal.AccountingUnit SourceAddress.AccountingUnit
GeneralLedgerTotal.GeneralLedgerChartAccount SourceAddress.GeneralLedgerChartAccount
GeneralLedgerTotal.Project SourceAddress.Project
FinanceDimension1 SourceAddress.FinanceDimension1
FinanceDimension2 SourceAddress.FinanceDimension2
FinanceDimension3 SourceAddress.FinanceDimension3
FinanceDimension4 SourceAddress.FinanceDimension4
FinanceDimension5 SourceAddress.FinanceDimension5
FinanceDimension6 SourceAddress.FinanceDimension6
FinanceDimension7 SourceAddress.FinanceDimension7
FinanceDimension8 SourceAddress.FinanceDimension8
FinanceDimension9 SourceAddress.FinanceDimension9
FinanceDimension10 SourceAddress.FinanceDimension10