Viewing stockout predictions

A stockout prediction is a KPI prediction that is based on machine learning algorithm and available data. This list is used to predict stock quantity and demand. Coleman Prediction shows a list of all perpetual items and par-level inventory items that have an inventory prediction. Coleman predictions are only available if you have an active Coleman subscription. Use these steps to view all of the stockout predictions in one list:

  1. Sign in as Inventory Intelligence Specialist.
  2. Select Manage Inventory Recommendations.
  3. Click the Coleman Prediction tab.
  4. View this information:
    Stock On Hand Quantity Prediction
    A prediction of the item's expected stock on hand quantity for the next seven days.
    Demand Quantity Prediction
    A prediction of the item's expected demand quantity for the next seven days.
    Stock Out
    A determination of whether an item is predicted to be out of stock in the next seven days.