IDM job list

IDM Job List helps you track the status and the details of the documents generated using IDM template distributed through email or print. The list provides a detailed section in the IDM Job List screen that displays the information of the error encountered when generating, emailing, or printing the document.

To view your own jobs, select My IDM Job List. For Application Administrators, select All IDM Jobs to view all jobs that were triggered by all users.

This table describes the available values when selecting a job:
Section Value Description
Job Details Job Status Indicates the status of the job.

See Job status values.

Job ID Displays the generated unique ID upon job submission.
Created Date Displays the date and time stamp the job was created.
Input Data Displays a link of the indata.txt that contains the raw data passed to IDM.
Description Describes the job that triggered document generation using IDM.
Document Details Generation Status Indicates the status whether the document was successfully generated.

See Generation status values.

File Displays the file name of the generated document. A link is also available to redirect you to the document.
Document Type Displays the corresponding IDM document type.
Document ID Displays the unique ID of the generated document.
Additional details Contains vital information of the FSM document.
Email Details Email Status

Indicates the status whether the email was successfully sent.

See Email status values.

Subject Displays the subject of the sent IDM email.
From Displays the sender of the email.
To Displays the recipient’s email address.
Cc Displays the email address set in the cc field of the email.
Print Details Print Status Indicates whether the generated document was properly printed through the IDM printer.

See Print status values.

IDM Printer Displays the IDM Printer key of either IDM Enterprise Print or Email-Enabled Printer.
Printer ID Displays the unique ID of the printer. This is only available if the printer type is IDM Enterprise Print.
Printer Location Displays the location of where the printer is installed. This is only available if the printer type is IDM Enterprise Print.
Printer Email Address Display the printer email address for email-enabled printer. This is only available if the printer type is Email Enabled.
Printer Name Displays the name of either IDM Enterprise Print (IEP) printer or Email-Enabled Printer.
Error Details
Note: This section is only available if the job is not successful.
Error Message Displays a detailed information of the error for troubleshooting.
View Error Message Select this button to generate and export the error message as PDF.