
An estimate is a type of sales entry that you create to collect preliminary sales data to monitor cycle sales results. Estimates contain system-calculated net sales and charges that are used to identify uninvoiced sales charges for a cycle, and to predict planned sales charges for a cycle. Estimates duplicate the closing sales entries for the previous business cycle of a contract. You can create estimates only once in a cycle for each contract.

If the previous sales entries on which estimates are based contain user analysis values for Strategic Ledger analysis, that data is copied to the estimate for reference. For more information, see the Strategic Sourcing User Guide.

Before you run Create Estimates, you must create active customer contracts on Franchise Contracts. You cannot create estimates for inactive contracts.

Note:  Call-in estimates or actual invoice sales entries must exist before you can create your first estimates.

After you run Create Estimates, you can view the created estimates on the Sales Entry page. Use estimates in the absence of actual sales figures to create accruals when you run Accrual Close.