Creating auto reference numbers

Use this procedure to create auto reference numbers for applicable transactions. When you create automatic reference numbers, you can create documents without specifying the reference number for every process.

  1. Select General Setup > Cash Management Group.
  2. Open a cash management group record.
  3. On the Auto Reference Number tab, specify this information:
    Company Level
    Select this check box to enable automatically-generated transaction numbers on all transactions for a company.
    Cash Code Level
    Select this check box to enable automatically-generated transaction numbers on all transactions for a company.
    Bank Transaction Code Level
    Select this check box to enable automatically-generated transaction numbers on all transactions for a company.
    Cash Code And Bank Transaction Code Level
    Select this check box to enable automatically-generated transaction numbers on all transactions for the cash code and bank transaction code combination.
  4. In the Forms To Apply Auto Numbering To section, select the forms to apply the transaction number:
    Cash Ledger Payment
    Select this check box to use the reference number on cash ledger payments.
    Cash Ledger EFT/CC Extracts
    Select this check box to use the reference number on cash ledger EFT/CC extracts.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Open the Company, Cash Code and Bank Transaction records where applicable to enable auto numbering.
    1. If you select Company Level, then open a Global Ledger Company record and select the Cash Ledger Auto Transaction Numbering check box.
    2. If you select Cash Code Level, then open a Cash Code record and select the Cash Ledger Auto Transaction Numbering check box.
    3. If you select Bank Transaction Code Level, then open a Bank Transaction Code record and select the Cash Ledger Auto Transaction Numbering check box.
    4. If you select the Cash Code And bank Transaction Code Level combination, then open both the Cash Code and the Bank Transaction Code records and select the Cash Ledger Auto Transaction Numbering check box for each.