Enabling Receivables voucher references

Voucher reference number is a system-generated number that is assigned at year-end to all invoices for the current or previous year.
  1. Select Setup > Receivable Companies.
  2. Open a company record.
  3. On the Process tab, specify this information:
    Assign Voucher Reference
    Select this check box to use the voucher reference numbering.

    The Format field and the Reporting Basis fields are available.

    Voucher Reference Format
    To specify the voucher reference format, right-click the field and select Variables. A list of valid variables are displayed. Select the variable or variables to use as the voucher reference format:
    Variable Description
    YEAR YYYY a four-digit number to represent the year.
    YEAR YY a two-digit number to represent the year.
    MONTH MM a two-digit number to represent the month.
    999999999999 a 12-digit sequence number that resets to 1 every year.
    000000000009 a padded 12-digit sequence number that resets to 1 every year.
    999999 a six-digit sequence number that resets to 1 every year.
    000009 a padded six-digit sequence number that resets to 1 every year.
    Voucher Reference Reporting Basis
    Select the reporting basis that is identified for the locale's statutory reporting.
  4. Click Save.