Creating billing rate tables

  1. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup.
  2. On the Billing Rate Tables tab, click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Project Billing Rate Table
    Provide a table name.
    Provide a description.
    Select the currency. The currency must match the project contract currency
    Effective Date
    Specify the effective date of the billing rate table. This effective date must be less than or equal to the date of the transactions. Rate tables can have multiple effective dates. Rates are calculated using the transaction date and the first applicable effective date.
  4. Click the Dimensions tab. Select up to five dimensions to use in the billing rate table by specifying the order. The value that is selected is the order in which the rates are used for the transactions.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click the Lines tab.
  7. Click Create. Select a value for each of the dimensions and specify a rate for the combination. If this field is blank, the rate is applied to all values for that dimension.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Repeat the last two steps to create each dimension combination. The lines are displayed in the order that the rates are applied and the dimensions.