Currency translation codes

For each currency relationship that you use to translate a company's financial statements, you can define several sets of rates, if necessary. To differentiate between sets of rates for the same currency relationship, translation codes are used. Translation codes are used to identify the rate type and ensure that the correct period rate is applied when translating an account.

These translation codes are automatically delivered:

Translation code Rate type

Balance Sheet

Ending Balance

Income Statement

Period Balance

Historical Balance

Historical Balance

Retainer Balance

No Calculation

As accounts are added, a translation code is automatically assigned to the account based on the following table. The default translation code can be overridden by populating the Translation Code field on the account with a user-defined translation code.

Accounts Assign
Balance Sheet Translation code = BS-Balance Sheet

Rate Type = Ending Balance

Income Statement Translation code = IS-Income Statement

Rate Type = Period Balance

To use a different set of period rates for a reporting basis, you can create translation codes with their own period rates. You can then assign your translation codes to the applicable accounts in the chart that is used by the reporting basis.