Currency period rates

You must define a currency relationship between two currencies before you can define period rates for them. You define a period rate for a translation code. You can create period rates individually or you can interface period rates in batches.

Currency period rates are used by Global Ledger. They are used to convert functional amounts for the accounting entities within a reporting basis. The amounts are converted to the alternate currencies or enterprise currencies that are defined for the finance enterprise group. Financial reports can then be generated in any of these currencies. The rates are specific to the finance enterprise group.

A period rate is associated with a translation code. They can be system-defined or user-defined. A translation code is associated with a system-defined translation type, which indicates how the period rates are computed and used.

Period rates are defined for a period. You can specify one period rate per translation code and per period for each currency relationship that you define.

Enterprise currency translation is generally performed at the end of the period. All translation is performed in Global Ledger on period balances, and amounts are accumulated from period to period. For each run, Global Ledger creates an offsetting gain or loss to a translation gain or loss account that is defined on the finance enterprise group. Currency translation is only used in Global Ledger.

The currency period rates can be used instead of the daily rates when you revalue transaction currency amounts.

See the Infor Data Interface Guide for information about interfacing period rates.