A non-trading partner specific configuration to replace or remove a matching string from the beginning of a vendor item.

This is part of the legacy functionality provided by GHX and is included for backwards compatibility.

  • Configuration
  • Optional
  • Default behavior: If record does not exist, characters are not removed or replaced.
  • GHX only
  • Related: L1_O_REQ_CHECK, L1_O_VCITEM
  • Requires: L1_O_REQ_CHECK
Field Value Example Comment
List Name L1_O_REQITEM
Your Value <match>
Partner Value <replacement>
Field Value Example Comment
List Name L1_O_REQITEM
Your Value <match>
Partner Value REMOVE


Enables replacement or removal of a character or characters from the beginning of a string based on the longest matching string. To replace a string from the beginning of a vendor item, specify the string to match for Your Value and the replacement for Partner Value. To remove the match, specify REMOVE for Partner Value.


Replacing an F with B at the beginning. With Your Value of F and a Partner Value of B, FIZZ is BIZZ.

Replacing a FIZZ with BAR at the beginning. With Your Value of FIZZ and a Partner Value of BAR, FIZZBUZZ is changed to BARBUZZ.
Note: If you have a replacement for both F and FIZZ, then the result is BARBUZZ because FIZZ is the longest matching string.
Removing FIZZ. With Your Value of FIZZ and a Partner Value of REMOVE, FIZZBUZZ is changed BUZZ.
Note: If you have a replacement for both F and FIZZ, then the result is changed to BUZZ because FIZZ is the longest matching string.