Data substitution patterns

Data substitution records come in different forms or patterns.

List name patterns

List Name values are the primary keys in data substitution records.

List name pattern Description
Trading Partner Trading partner-specific list names that are used for cross-reference start with the trading partner ID.

For example, <tpid>_O_UOM is a trading partner-specific, outbound Unit Of Measure cross-reference.

L1 L1 is a reserved trading partner ID. List Name values that can apply to all trading partners may begin with L1. For example, L1_O_UOM is an outbound UOM substitution that is valid for all trading partner IDs.
Direction specific This pattern includes the direction in the list name value: O for outbound and I for inbound records.
Segment/element specific These list names include a reference to the segment/element. For example, L1_O_LOOKUP_SDQ03 is a mapping configuration list name.

Your value patterns

The Your Value field is the secondary key to the data substitution look-up for outbound translations. For inbound translations, Your Value is returned by the look-up.

Your value pattern Description
Cross-reference substitutions The value is in the input data that is cross-referenced to the Partner value to send in the transaction.
  • Outbound
    • A single value if there is a direct cross-reference. For example, a unit of measure.
    • If multiple values from the input data are required to identify the secondary key, then the values are concatenated with a plus sign. For example, <shipto>+<vendor>+<purchaseFrom>+<company>.
Mapping configuration
  • Outbound: Your Value is the <tpid> for outbound trading partner mapping configurations.
  • Inbound: Your Value is the <set id> for mapping configuration records that apply to an outbound transaction set.

Partner value patterns

The Partner Value field is the secondary key to the data substitution look-up for inbound translations. For outbound translations, Partner Value is what is returned by the look-up.

Partner value pattern
Cross-reference substitutions
  • Outbound: The Partner Value is mapped to the EDI transaction set. For example, <shipto account> or <uom>.
  • Inbound: Partner Value is the secondary key for the look-up. For example, <shipto account> or <uom>.
Mapping Configuration
  • Outbound: The Partner Value can be a <set id> to indicate the transaction set. Can be the Y to enable or N to disable the functionality. For example, MAP_REQUESTER.
  • Inbound: The Partner Value is a <tpid> for mapping configuration records that apply to an inbound transaction set.