Creating process triggers for EDI data exchange

For information about triggers and process automation, see Process Automation Services Reference Guide for Financials & Supply Management.

  1. Sign in as Process Server Administrator and select Scheduling > By Process Definition.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select a process name. This list shows the valid values:
    • Select EDIDataExchange_Inbound to retrieve documents
    • Select EDIDataExchange_Inbound_Translate to retrieve documents and initiate a translate inbound process.
    • Select EDIDataExchange_Outbound to send outbound data.
    Work Title
    Provide a work title.
  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Variables pane, click Create.
    Trigger Variable
    Specify DataExchangeFromEmail.
    Specify String Array.
    Specify the email address to use for the sender. Use a specific email account or a generic no-reply email address, for example,
  6. Click Save and New.
  7. To add the To email variable, specify this information:
    Trigger Variable
    Specify DataExchangeToEmail.
    Specify String Array.
    Specify the email address for the receiver of the notifications. To create multiple recipients, separate the email addresses by commas.
  8. Click Save.
  9. To return to the trigger screen, click the back button on your browser.
  10. Repeat the steps to create the EDIDataExchange_Outbound trigger.