Home page

You can access a variety of contract lists by navigating to the Contract Management home page. This table shows the panes that are available on the home page:
Pane Description
Active-Expiring and Expired Shows a list of contracts and their status: active, expiring or expired
Contracts With Errors Shows a list of contracts that contain errors.
Milestones Not Completed Shows a list of contracts and their progress
Deliverables Not Closed Shows a list of contracts that have not yet been marked as closed.
Open Service Invoice Messages A message will display here if an invoice is received against a service contract and the cost difference exceeds the tolerance.
In Terms Negotiation Shows a list of contracts that have terms and conditions that still need to be finalized with the supplier.
Invoice Cost Differences Displays any cost differences between the contracts and invoice.
Change Orders Requiring Action Shows a list of contracts with changes that are still awaiting approval.
Proposed Contracts Shows a list of prospective contracts that have not been closed.
Supplier Dialog Needing A Response Shows any dialog between the supplier in need of a response.
Top Contracts The most frequently viewed contracts will display here.