Updating header dates on contracts with lines

On contracts without lines, you can update the effective and expiration dates directly on the contract header. To update these dates on contracts with lines, you must use the Update Contract Dates action.

To view details about contract lines and headers with different effective and expiration dates, open a contract record and click the Manage Date Changes link.

  1. Select Manage Contracts.
  2. Open a contract record.
  3. Select Actions > Update Contract Dates.
  4. Specify this information:
    New Effective Date
    Select a new effective date.
    New Expiration Date
    Select a new expiration date.
    New Review Date
    Select a new review date.
    Line Update Option
    Select an option to determine how contract header date changes are updated on contract lines:
    • If the current line and header dates match, then select Update If Current Date Same As Header Date. The line date is updated to match the new header date.
    • When all line dates should match the new header dates select, Update All.
    • When the line dates should not be changed select, Do Not Update.
  5. Click Submit.