Sales transport documentation

A sales delivery form or note includes a description and quantity of the goods delivered and accompanies a shipment of goods. A copy of the delivery note, signed by the customer, is returned to the vendor as proof of delivery.

Sales delivery forms are prenumbered based on chronological order, so that companies can account for all forms and keep track of transactions. A bill of lading can also be electronic.

Transport documents are required as a proof of sale while goods are in transit. These documents must support the legal or cultural requirements that differ by country.

Delivery waybills are documents that support the transfer of goods between different addresses.

Chile specifics

The electronic invoicing process begins with an electronic delivery document, known as Guía de Despacho or bill of lading. The Guía de Despacho is generated and registered with the government as the initial transport event.

Bills of lading are required to be issued when an invoice is not issued at the time of delivery of goods or merchandise. The bills must be numbered and stamped by Servicio de Impuestos Internos. Invoices that are issued later must contain the number of the bill of lading.

How Infor meets the requirement

Both the customers' and vendors' addresses, Tax IDs, and VAT IDs must be updated. Carrier details must also be updated while creating the customer order.

The desired Sales Transport reports are generated in LSP by the successful triggering of the SyncShipment_Out and SyncInvoice_Outbound BOD along with other required party master BODs.

To set up Localization Services Platform (LSP) for integration, you must define Shipment Status Maintenance, Contact Master maintenance, Carrier and Drivers Information, CL ACTECO (Economic Activity) Codes, Industry Maintenance, Default Code and Folio for the Chile-Sales Transport Document subscription.

See Infor Localization Services Platform User Guide.

These are the supported formats in FSM–Localization integration:

  • CL Delivery Note (Guía de Despacho)
  • CL Delivery Note Ledger (Libro de Guías de Despacho Electrónicast)