Adding period operators

Period operators can be added to limit the data in a column to specific years, quarters, months, or weeks.

  1. Select My Reports > Report Designer.
  2. On the Column Views tab, select a column view record.
  3. In the Column List section, open a column record.
  4. In the Column Value field, click the Search icon.
  5. Select the measure for the column value.
  6. Click Add Operator To Field.
  7. Specify this information:
    Period Operator Category
    Select Period, Period Range, Life to Date Beginning or Ending Balance, or the Year to Date Beginning or Ending Balance options.
    Year Operator
    Select the previous or following year.
    Year Shift
    Specify the number of previous or future years.​ If Year Operator is blank, then this field must be blank.
    Period Operator
    Select the previous or next period.
    Select Period.
    A numeric number that identifies the reporting period for this column.​
    The values for the operator are displayed in the Field Preview.