Performing pre-update steps

  1. To access the newly provisoned STC spaces, re-sync role from Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal by re-adding the Birst-SystemAdministrator security role to your user.
  2. Make a backup of all your ATC and STC spaces and name them using this format: ZZZBackup – SpaceName- Version - CurrentDate.
  3. Perform post provisioning steps and orchestration for the STC spaces.
  4. Validate content in STC by going to STC-Consumer space. Check reports and dasboards.
  5. Move custom content from ATC to STC. See Moving content.
  6. If there are custom model changes, then:
    • Run the STC-Delete All Processed Data workflow
    • Run the cloned STC-Reset Extract Variables workflow
    • Run the STC-Extract and Process workflow
  7. Validate STC-Consumer space with your custom content.
  8. In Birst, disable all CSF workflow schedules. Ensure that all spaces are in available status.