Performing post-update steps

Update workflows

Orchestration workflows must be updated when updating to the latest release.

Use these procedures to update the orchestration structure.

  1. In Infor Birst, select Admin > Orchestrations.
  2. Clone the workflows. This list shows the workflows you must clone:
    • STC CSF - Extract and Process
    • STC CSF - GL Subsystem Link
    • STC CSF - Security
    • STC CSF - Reset Extract Variables
    • STC CSF - Delete All Processed Data
    • STC CSF - MSCM Extract and Process
  3. Rename and edit the cloned workflows.
    1. Rename the workflow. Replace STC prefix with the version. For example, 2022.09.00.
    2. Update the copied workflow to map the spaces from STC spaces to the ATC spaces.
      Note: After changing the space reference, the space name must not contain the prefix of STC. The steps for each published task must follow the example.

      Any incorrect or missing step causes incorrect or missing data on the dashboards.

      If you cannot remember the original steps, refer to the original STC workflow.

      For example:

      Orchestration workflows

Delete old workflows

You must delete previous versions of the workflows after an update. There should only be an active set of workflows for the ATC spaces:

  • <version> CSF - Extract and Process
  • <version> CSF - GL Subsystem Link
  • <version> CSF - Security
  • <version> CSF - Reset Extract Variables
  • <version> CSF - Delete All Processed Data
  • <version> CSF - MSCM Extract and Process

Rename spaces

Starting 2022.04, spaces were restructured and renamed. After these changes, ATC spaces that are still using the old names must be renamed accordingly.

This table shows the old names and new names of these spaces:

Old name New name
[TENANT]-CSF-Model-FIN [TENANT]-CSF-Model-FIN_deprecated
[TENANT]-CSF-Model-ORD [TENANT]-CSF-Model-ORD_deprecated
[TENANT]-CSF-Source-MSCM [TENANT]-CSF-Source-MSCM_deprecated
[TENANT]-CSF-Model-TC or [TENANT]-CSF-Model-TC-Clinical [TENANT]-CSF-Model-TC_deprecated

To rename the spaces:

  1. In Infor Birst, rest your mouse pointer on the space name.
  2. Click the arrow down and select Rename.
  3. Specify the new name in the space name.

    For example: [TENANT]-CSF-Model-FIN_deprecated

  4. Click the check icon to save the changes.

Delete backup spaces

You can delete the STC and ATC backup spaces to cleanup your list of spaces.

Delete data on STC spaces (Optional)

You can delete all processed data on previous STC spaces since these are now unusable.

Backup ATC spaces

To have the latest backup of working ATC spaces, create a new backup of these spaces after the update is completed.