Mesures de facturation – Action facture

Mesure Source ou calcul
Durée jours de l'action CF Duration of days between Update Date and Previous Update Date
Durée heures de l'action CF Duration of hours between Update Date and Previous Update Date
Nbre niveaux d'approbation CF COUNT Invoice Routing Approval Level record
Nbre paiements factures CF corrigés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Amended
Nbre paiements factures CF approuvés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Approved
Nbre paiements factures CF affectés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Assigned
Nbre d'approbation auto factures CF COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = AutoApproved
Nbre paiements factures CF annulés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Cancelled
Nbre paiements factures CF désapprouvés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Disapproved
Nbre d'approbations manuelles factures CF COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = ManuallyApproved
Nbre de refus manuels factures CF COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = ManuallyRejected
Nbre paiements factures CF rapprochés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Matched
Nbre de validations factures CF rapprochées COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = MatchReleased
Nbre d'approbateurs factures CF en attente COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = PendingApprover
Nbre paiements factures CF réaffectés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Reassigned
Nbre paiements factures CF refusés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Rejected
Nbre paiements factures CF validés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Released
Nbre paiements factures CF réacheminés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Rerouted
Nbre paiements factures CF restaurés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Restored
Nbre factures CF envoyées pour paiement COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = SentForPayment
Nbre paiements factures CF soumis COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Submitted
Nbre total factures CF approuvées COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = ManuallyApproved or Approved
Nbre total paiements factures CF refusés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Rejected or ManuallyRejected or Rerouted
Nbre total paiements factures CF rapprochés COUNT PayablesInvoice where Action = Unmatched