
OneSource, Generic, AR, Customer Name

Using the OneSource tax system, when a taxable distribution is sent to OneSource for tax consideration, the Customer Name must be sent in addition to the Customer Number. The Customer Name is now included.

  1. Using the OneSource tax system, create and release a Receivable invoice with a taxable distribution.
  2. Verify in the tax logs that the Customer Name was included in the call to OneSource.


Invoice Payment average details should be grouped in Customer aging page in the Analysis menu

Added a header to Invoice Payment average details and performed a few alignment changes.

  1. Select Analysis> Customer Aging.
  2. Click the CompanyCustomer button for any record and view the context form.
  3. Verify that these details are available in the Invoice Payment Average header. CurrentIPA, TwelveMonthPeriod and LastPeriod


Cash Application UI improvements

The Cash Application Select and Cash Application screens were missing adjustment amounts and information that can help users process applications.

Example 1: The previously applied values section only included the Applied and Credit Applied values. Often, that is sufficient and the numbers would foot across. In the scenarios where a previous Payment Write-off occurred for the payment, that adjustment number was not available on the context form, which means the Payment Amount did not foot across to the Open value.

Resolution 1: Added an Adjustments value to be displayed when a previous Payment Write-off occurred for the payment. Now the Payment Amount will foot across to the Open value, in those scenarios.

Example 2: The pending payment values section only included the Debit, Credit, and Net values. Often, that is sufficient and the numbers would foot across. In the scenarios where a Payment Write-off or a Chargeback Memo were pending for this payment, those numbers were not available on the context form, which means the Pending Payment values did not foot across to the Net value.

Resolution 2: In the pending payment values section, added Payment Writeoff and Chargeback Memo values to be displayed when they are pending for the payment. Now the Pending Payment values will foot across to the Net value, in those scenarios.

Example 3: Count values of the selected application records could be helpful when processing a larger volume batch.

Resolution 3: Added Count values of the selected application records.

Example 4: Adding a section to show the total transaction adjustments, such as discounts and write-offs, that are pending can be helpful to see the cumulative affect before processing.

Resolution 4: Added a section to show the total transaction adjustments that are pending.

  • Business Classes impacted:
  • National Account Transaction (UI)
  • Receivable Invoice Distribution (UI)
  • Receivable Payment (BL & UI)
  • Receivable Project Transaction (UI)
  1. Select Receivables > Processing > Cash Application and select Invoices And Apply Cash.
  2. Scenario 1 - Title Bar Change and Context Form - Pending Payment Selections section.
    1. Find and open a payment that does not have any records selected for application.
    2. Note that the title bar no longer includes the name of the Receivable Company. The Receivable Company Name is still displayed in the Context Form.
    3. Highlight and select a transaction to be applied without an adjustment, such as a discount.
    4. Note that the title bar now includes the pending Difference amount.
    5. Note in the context form that the Pending Payment Selections section is called out.

      The Pending Payment Selections section conditionally shows the various types of records that are selected for application processing.

    6. For each of these types, the selected value and a count are displayed.
      • The Debit section includes the selected values of Debit Memo and Invoice type transactions. This section previously existed.
      • The Credit section includes the selected values of Credit Memo type transactions. This section previously existed.
      • The Payment Writeoff section includes any Payment Writeoffs that are created from the Write Off Preview pane. This section is new.
      • The Chargeback section includes any Chargeback Memos that are created from the Chargeback Memo pane. This section is new.
      • The Net value does not have a Count. It shows the net impact of the various selected items.

        The reason for adding the Count values can help users when they enter data in a larger volume batches.

  3. Scenario 2 - Context Form - Pending Transaction Adjustments
    1. Now highlight and select a transaction to be applied with an adjustment, like a discount.
    2. Note in the Context form that a new section of Pending Transaction Adjustments is called out.
      • The Pending Transaction Adjustments section conditionally shows the various types of selected transaction adjustment records.
      • The Debit section includes the adjustment amounts of selected Debit Memo and Invoice type transactions. This section previously existed.
      • The Credit section includes the adjustment amounts of selected Credit Memo type transactions. This section previously existed.

        This section can be used to help user identify at a glance how much the batch has for transaction adjustments, for example, discounts or write-offs.
