This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Map Buy Quantity and Vendor Buy UOM from 810 Invoice QTY Segment

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Translate Inbound mapping Invoice from 810.


  • 810 Invoice that contains a detail level of the QTY Segment. This is required for Matching Invoice lines with catch-weight items.
  • MAP_QTY_CATCHWEIGHT is enabled for the Trading Partner.

If the MAP_QTY_CATCHWEIGHT is enabled for the Trading Partner and the QTY02 and QTY03 are not empty, then on the Invoice Detail record, the QTY02 will be mapped to the Buy UOM Matched Quantity field and the QTY03 is mapped to the Vendor Buy UOM field.

  • Your Value: Y
  • Partner Value: <Trading Partner ID> or * for all Trading Partners.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Process EDI 810 given this setup

  • No Data Substitution record created for MAP_QTY_CATCHWEIGHT
  • Various combinations where the QTY02 and QTY03 are empty or not empty or the QTY segment does not exist.


Trading Partner - Item Specific UOM Data Substitution

The unit of measure on vendor invoices, ship notices, or acknowledgments are not in the buy unit of measure on the PO.

For example, PO line is for 10 packs of 100 zip ties. Unit of measure is PK. Vendor invoice line UOM is EA. Vendor considers it an Each, you consider it a Pack of 100. Invoice line does not match cleanly because of the UOM difference.

Existing EDI UOM data substitution functionality cannot be used because the UOM is specific to the item that is ordered. Existing functionality converts all occurrences of PK to EA or vice versa.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Added support for a data substitution record to enable trading partner-item specific UOM cross-references for outbound or inbound transactions.
  • Added support for data substitution records for the specific items.

Outbound - 850 Purchase Order

Inbound - 855 PO Acknowledgment, 856 Ship Notice, 810 Invoice, 832 Price Catalog

If item UOM substitution is not enabled or not found, then trading partner-specific UOM substitution is verified. If it's not enabled or no match found, then generic UOM look up is verified. If generic UOM lookup is disabled or a generic UOM match is not found, the original UOM is mapped.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Separate data substitution records are used for outbound and inbound to provide flexibility to configure one or both.
  2. Use this information to enable outbound trading partner id (tpid) item UOM lookup:
    • List Name: LOOKUP_O_ITEM_UOM
    • Your Value: <tpid>
    • Partner Value: Y
  3. Use this information to enable inbound trading partner id (tpid) item UOM lookup:
    • List Name: LOOKUP_I_ITEM_UOM
    • Your Value: Y
    • Partner Value: <tpid>
    • Trading Partner Item UOM cross reference
  4. Use this information for an outbound item specific UOM lookup:
    • List Name: <tpid>_O_UOM_<itemnumber>
    • Your Value: <your UOM>
    • Partner Value: <partner UOM>
  5. Use this information for an inbound item specific UOM lookup:
    • List Name: <tpid>_I_UOM_<itemnumber>
    • Your Value: <your UOM>
    • Partner Value: <partner UOM>
    • Examples using trading partner id: JT, buyer item number: 12345678, buyer UOM: PK, and vendor UOM: EA.
  6. Use this information to enable outbound item UOM lookup:
    • List Name: LOOKUP_O_ITEM_UOM
    • Your Value: JT
    • Partner Value: Y
  7. Use this information for outbound item specific UOM lookup:
    • List Name: JT_O_UOM_12345678
    • Your Value: PK
    • Partner Value: EA
  8. Use this information to enable inbound item UOM lookup:
    • List Name: LOOKUP_I_ITEM_UOM
    • Your Value: Y
    • Partner Value: JT
  9. Use this information for Inbound item specific UOM lookup:
    • List Name: JT_I_UOM_12345678
    • Your Value: PK
    • Partner Value: EA
    • Perform translations of data for the trading partner and specific items.


The functionality is linked to buyer item, not vendor item.

If an inbound data set does not contain the buyer item number, then the item specific UOM substitution is not performed.

The L1_I_USE_810_ITEMNUMBERS data substitution record can be used to disable the mapping item numbers from 810 invoices for all trading partners. If this is set, item numbers are ignored and the item UOM cross-reference cannot be performed for 810 invoices.

This data substitution record was provided to avoid errors matching invoice lines to PO lines because vendors did not return the matching item number from the PO line.

The data substitution record should not be required because functionality has been added to the invoice interface process to match lines using item number or vendor item number.
