
This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

New field in vendor comments

Added Title field in vendor comments.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • VendorComment

To test the enhancement:

Check for the Title field in these menus:

  1. Manage Vendors > Vendor Comments
  2. Manage Vendors > Select a Vendor > Comments
  3. Manage Vendors > Select a Vendor > Comments > Add New Comment


New Payment Clearing File Creation parameters

CashRequirementsTemplate and payment default parameters were added for Cash Requirements, ElectronicPaymentCreation, and PaymentClearingFileCreation. These parameters define a set up that can be used consistently while running the payment process.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashRequirementsResult
  • CashRequirementsTemplate
  • PaymentCreationDefaults
  • PaymentClearingFileCreation.bustask
  • ElectronicPaymentCreation.bustask

To test the enhancement:

If PaymentCreationDefaults are created, test that the details pull into either PaymentClearingFileCreation or ElectronicPaymentCreation when key values are specified. Test that the defaults work using the CompletePaymentCycle on CashRequirements.

If CashRequirementsTemplate is created, test that the template details pull into Perform Cash Requirements upon entry of VendorGroup and PayGroup.


Improve email message content

The invoice payment request emails needs more details about the invoice for customers to get an understanding of what the invoice contained.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesCompany.busclass
  • RequestNewInvoicePayment.lpd

To test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that approvers receive an email when a requester submits an invoice.
  2. Verify that requesters receive an email when an approver acts on a request.
  3. Verify that all information is accurately displayed in the email.
  4. Verify that the link in the email to a requester goes to the my actions page.
  5. Verify that the link in the email to an approver goes to the inbasket.


Fixed issue on invoice approval release

Customers were unable to determine if the last invoice approval amount was the max amount that was allowed for that user. The default setting was to allow the last largest amount on the final approver as the catch all and would surpass the max amount set. For clients looking to enforce this final amount, the check box will now not let the final approver to get permissions if the amount is over their approval limit.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • VendorGroup UI/BL
  • PayablesInvoice BL
  • InvoiceRoutingCode BL
  • InvoiceRoutingCodeGroup BL

To test the enhancement:

On a VendorGroup select EnforceMaxInvoiceApprovalAmount. Create an invoice and have the total amount greater than the approval code max amount. This transaction will then be stopped from proceeding.


Request Invoice Payment uplift

Added improvements to the request invoice payment process.

  • Moved all Request New Invoice Payment form information onto one tab.
  • Added approver message field to provide information on why a request was returned, rejected.
  • Check to make sure an invoice with the same number, vendor, and company does not exist before the request is sent.
  • Added audit records for the requester and approver on the created invoice.
  • Added information to the request description to help differentiate requests.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesInvoice
  • PayablesInvoiceAudit

To test the enhancement:

  • Verify that the workflow title is properly displayed as Payment Request.
  • Verify that invoice requests with the same company, vendor, and invoice number as a preexisting invoice return an error message when submitted.
  • Verify that approvers can create notes, and that they are visible to requesters if the request is returned.
  • Verify that invoices created through the request process have two records under approval history. Requested should contain the user who requested the invoice and accepted should contain the user who approved it.
