Order Entry

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Price list report with markup

Added a new screen for pricing inquiry of an Item.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PricingPreview.
  • PriceListContractPromotion

Enhancement overview

Items have pre-defined price set up:

  • PriceBase, PriceBaseItem
  • PriceList, Promotion, or Contract
  • These will take effect when creating line for a Customer Order or Billing Invoice.
  • Now you can inquire on the price of an item in this new page, Pricing Preview, without having to create customer orders or billing invoices.

New screen in Billing Administrator

  1. Sign in as Billing Administrator and select Setup > Item related setup > Pricing Preview
  2. Run the Preview action. Complete the parameters including Price List, Promotion, Contract.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Item master. Create an item and add it to a location.
  2. Price Base. Create price base for a billing company.
  3. Price Base Item. Add item to the price base and define prices for Current date or next date.
  4. Price List Contract Promotion. Create a Price List and add the new price base to this price list.
  5. Optionally, define a promotion or a contract for this price list.
  6. Run the Preview action from the Pricing Preview tab, or navigate to the Pricing Preview page.
  7. A form is displayed. Complete the fields, select the field option. From the option field, select from PriceList, Promotion, and Contract to see price.
  8. Discounts tab. If the selected Price List, Promotion, and Contract has a discount code attached, then discount-related information is displayed on the Discounts tab
  9. Quantity Breaks tab. If the selected Price List, Promotion, and Contract contains the quantity breaks that are specified in Price List Sales class or Price List Item, then you can view them on the Quantity Breaks tab
  10. Unit of measure prices tab. If the specified Item has multiple unit of measures then prices of all of them are displayed in this tab.
