Creating chart account security groups

Use this procedure to create a security group that defines chart accounts to which actors have access:

  1. Sign in using one of these roles:
    • ApplicationAdministrator_ST
    • FinancialsAdministrator_ST
    • GLController_ST
    • FinancialBusinessAnalyst_ST
    • ProjectManager_ST
  2. Select Global Ledger > Setup > Global Ledger Security Setup > Chart Account Security Groups.
  3. Click Create, specify this information, and then click Save:
    Chart Account Security Group
    Specify a unique name for the security group.
    Specify a description for the security group.
  4. Define one or more members for the security group. Members of a chart account security group are chart accounts to which actors of the security group have access.
    1. On the Chart Account Security Group page, on the Members tab, click Create.
    2. Specify this information, then click Save:
      Reporting Chart
      Select a reporting chart structure that includes the chart account you want to add as a member.
      Global Ledger Chart Account
      Select a summary chart account to add as a member. Actors of this security group have access to this account.
    Note: You can copy all members from one security group to another of the same type.

    See Copying security group members.

  5. Verify the records on the Accessible Dimensions tab.
Users must be added to a security group of this type before the data is secured.

See Adding users to security and business groups.