Defining finished goods

  1. Sign in as Work Order Manager.
  2. Open a Work Order.
  3. Add these details to a finished good on these tabs.
    • Finished Goods

      Stock unit of measure, quantity and cost tolerance percentages. You can copy a finished good that is set up at one company and location to another company and/or location.

      Assigning tolerances to finished goods or their components will not prevent a work order from completing outside of the tolerance. Instead, the application issues a warning to the user.

    • Components

      Components, locations, quantities, start and stop dates, component types, and zero quantity tolerance.

      Click Account to select an account for posting component waste and material expense.

      The Component button is available if the component is also a finished good. Click this button to inquire on the finished good's components.

    • Burdens

      Burdens and burden type estimates. For example, flat amount, amount per finished good unit, percent of finished good inventory cost, or amount per burden unit.

    • Byproducts

      To add byproducts that are produced as a result of producing the finished good.

    • Scheduling

      Finished good quantity limits and the length of scheduling periods. The default for the two values is from the production schedule.

    • Accounts

      Global Ledger accounts to a finished good. These accounts default to work orders that make a specific finished good.

      If the days in which you produce a finished good must occur in consecutive days, select Contiguous Process on the Finished Goods tab.

  4. To attach assembly instructions to a finished good item number:
    • After specifying the item number, press Control + Shift + T to bring up the Attachments window.
    • Specify the assembly instructions.
  5. To change a finished good to a make-to-order kit, select the Make Code action.

    Finished goods have a make code of Make-to-Stock. To change a finished good to a make-to-order kit, you must first delete any byproducts, burdens, and comments assigned to the finished good.

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
List finished goods for a company and location (leave the Finished Good field blank to list all finished goods for a company and location) Finished Good Listing
Inquire on all kits that are associated with a component Component Where Used

Inquire on components that are available for a finished good


To inquire on availability at substitute locations, you must define substitute locations and select Yes in the Check Substitute Location field.

Finished Good Component Availability