Creating commodity code structures

Commodity codes are used to classify products and services and help create reports that reflect spending patterns. Commodity Code Structures are used to show the number of segments and the size of a commodity code.

Use this procedure to define a structure for the commodity codes in your system. Commodity structures can be established for each item group in the Supply Management suite.

If you choose to import your commodity codes, ensure that the structure you create is compatible with the imported codes.

  1. Select Commodity Code Structures.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Finance Enterprise Group
    Specify a finance enterprise group.
    Commodity Code Structure
    Specify a commodity code structure name. Commodity Code Structures are used to show the number of segments and the size of a commodity code.
    Provide a description.
    Maximum Levels
    Select a value from 1-6 to indicate the maximum number of levels allowed for a commodity code within the structure.
    Specify the title.
    Specify the size.
  4. Click Save.