Invoice Action measures

Measure Source and/or calculation
Payables Action Duration Days Duration of days between Update Date and Previous Update Date
Payables Action Duration Hours Duration of hours between Update Date and Previous Update Date
Payables Invoice Amended Count Count IF Action = Amended
Payables Invoice Approved Count Count IF Action = Approved
Payables Invoice Assigned Count Count IF Action = Assigned
Payables Invoice Auto Approved Count Count IF Action = AutoApproved
Payables Invoice Cancelled Count Count IF Action = Cancelled
Payables Invoice Disapproved Count Count IF Action = Disapproved
Payables Invoice Manually Approved Count Count IF Action = ManuallyApproved
Payables Invoice Manually Rejected Count Count IF Action = ManuallyRejected
Payables Invoice Matched Count Count IF Action = Matched
Payables Invoice Match Released Count Count IF Action = MatchReleased
Payables Invoice Pending Approver Count Count IF Action = PendingApprover
Payables Invoice Reassigned Count Count IF Action = Reassigned
Payables Invoice Rejected Count Count IF Action = Rejected
Payables Invoice Released Count Count IF Action = Released
Payables Invoice Rerouted Count Count IF Action = Rerouted
Payables Invoice Restored Count Count IF Action = Restored
Payables Invoice Sent For Payment Count Count IF Action = SentForPayment
Payables Invoice Submitted Count Count IF Action = Submitted
Payables Invoice Total Approved Count Count IF Action = ManuallyApproved OR Approved
Payables Invoice Total Rejected Count Count IF Action = Rejected OR ManuallyRejected OR Rerouted
Payables Invoice Unmatched Count Count IF Action = Unmatched