Calculating unrealized gain or loss

Use this procedure to compare the currency exchange rate at the time of the transaction to the exchange rate that is specified as the revalue date. A record of the difference is created showing a gain or loss that is then transferred to Global Ledger.
  1. Select Unrealized Gain Loss Report.
  2. Select Company or Company Group, but not both.
  3. Specify this information:
    As of Revalue Date
    Specify the date that is used to revalue non-base currency transactions. This field is used for calculating unrealized gains and losses and for posting entries to Global Ledger.
    Qualify Future Applications
    If the As of Date is today's date and there are no future dated cash applications, then select No. This reduces processing time. Select Yes if you do have future dated applications and the As of Date date is not today.
    Select a non-base currency code to calculate unrealized gains and losses only for transactions of a specific currency. If this field is blank, then all non-base currency transactions are included.
    Loss Only
    Select whether to calculate unrealized losses.
    Reverse Only
    Select whether to reverse unrealized gains and losses that are created after running the Unrealized Gain Loss report.
    Update Option
    Select whether to only report or to update and report.
    Report Option
    Select whether to report a detail or summary.
  4. In the Report Distribution section, select distribution lists and export types for these reports:
    • Unrealized Gain Loss Report
    • Unrealized Gain Loss Error Report
  5. Click Submit.