Removing retainers from an invoice

Applied retainer lines that are removed from an invoice are available to apply to future invoices. The status of the retainer does not change from Processed. The applied amount is adjusted by the amount removed. If an invoice line is removed that had the retainer attached, the retainer line is still displayed. If a yellow alert is displayed on the Total Amount field of the invoice, the retainer must be reapplied. If the retainer line is removed, there is no line to which to reapply the retainer. See Reapplying retainers to an invoice.

  1. Sign in as Project Accountant, Project Administrator, or Project Manager.
  2. Select Project Contracts.
  3. Select the Contracts tab and open a contract.
  4. Select the Invoices tab.
  5. Select an invoice group/project funding line to display the associated invoice lines in the detail section.
  6. Right-click the retainer to remove and select Remove Retainer. A blue alert is displayed next to the project on the retainer line.
  7. Click OK to confirm removal.