Changing retainer rules

If the retainer is created with the incorrect retainer rule, the rule can be changed when you run the action.

The action is a toggle: If the current retainer rule is Retainer Project Only, then the Apply Retainer To All Projects action is displayed and vice versa.

  1. Sign in as Project Accountant, Project Administrator, or Project Manager.
  2. Select Project Contracts.
  3. Select the Contracts tab and open a contract.
  4. Select the Project Funding tab and select a funding source.
  5. On the Retainers tab, select a retainer on which to change the retainer rule.
  6. To apply the retainer to all projects, select Actions > Apply Retainer To All Projects.
    To apply the retainer only to the retainer project, select Actions > Apply Retainer To Retainer Project Only.