Searching for totals spent by vendor

Use this procedure to search for totals spent by vendor. A list of invoices is displayed with totals. Information include invoice, discount, and net payment amount. You can perform several of the usual actions.

  1. Sign in as Payables Manager and select Run Processes > Vendor Spend.
  2. Use the filter fields to narrow your results.
  3. You can select a record and perform these actions:
    • Open: Use to open an invoice record on the selected line to view or change.
    • Create and Release: Use to create a new invoice and release that invoice if all edits are passed. The Create Invoice page is displayed. All users may not have security access to these secondary screens.
    • Create Invoice: Use to create a new invoice.
    • Apply an Invoice to this Credit: This option is only available for invoices with a negative total amount. Specify the invoice ID and the applied amount.
    • Cancel: Use to cancel an invoice from the Cancel Invoice page. Cancel Date, Reason, and Comment are required fields.
    • Create Company Customer: Use to open the Company Customer page to create the connection between Payables and Receivables. Company and Default Code are required fields.
    • Email Invoice: Use to open an email screen to specify the email address or a resource. Subject and Contents are required fields.
    • Put Invoice on Hold: Use to add a hold code to the invoice.
    • Update: Use to make changes to the invoice.
    • Build Smart Reconciliation Queue: Use to build a reconciliation queue. A message is returned indicating reconciliation queue built.
    • Build Text Index Set Action: Use to open Payables Invoice and specify Interface Run. The message Build Text Index Set Submitted is displayed after running the process.
    • Invoice Hold Mass Update: Use to open the Vendor record.
    • Mass Invoice Release: Select parameters for invoices to release. Fields include Company, Company Group, Authority Code, Voucher Number Prefix, Voucher Number Begin Range, and Voucher Number End Range.