Force match, invoice detail exceeds receipt

Process Interface to GL

1) Release receiving document, 10 @ 1.00 = 10.

Should have received 100 @ 1.00 = 100.

Global Ledger Interface

2) Enter invoice for $100 and force match (assuming goods to be received).

Journalize Distribution

3) Release adjustment document, 90 @ 1.00 = 90.

This scenario assumes that the received quantities have not been used.

Global Ledger Interface
Account Description Debit Credit
1) Inventory 10
1) PO Receipt Accrual 10
2) PO Receipt Accrual 10

2) Match Write Off (assumes Match company or Payables process level Invoice Detail Exceeds Receipt field is set to Match Write Off.

2) Payables Accrual 100
3) Inventory 90
3) Match Write Off 90