Invoice message types

Invoice messaging is used to compare invoice details to purchase order or receipt details. These are the types of invoice messages:

Message type Description Task
Purchase order review messaging Compares invoice details to purchase order details at invoice entry or release.

This type occurs when you add an invoice and there is a discrepancy between the invoice line cost and the purchase order line cost that exceeds the purchase order review message tolerances. Purchase order review message tolerances are defined on the rule group. Purchase order review messages can only be created for a cost difference.

As a buyer, you can change the cost that is recognized at purchase order receipt time. The appropriate department can resolve messages. For example, cost differences are resolved by buyers and quantity differences are resolved by receiving.

You may want to set cost messaging tolerances to be greater than match tolerances.

See Purchase order review messages
Service item review messaging Service messaging occurs when invoices are matched and there is a discrepancy that exceeds the service tolerances that are defined on the rule group.

Service messages can be generated from two types of invoices:

  • an invoice associated with a service only purchase order, or
  • an invoice associated with a vendor service contract.
If you use service contracts or create purchase orders with service lines only, then we recommend using service messaging.
See Service item review messages
Reconciliation match messaging Compares invoice details to PO/receipt details during invoice reconciliation.

A message is created during reconciliation when a detail match is attempted and a discrepancy exists outside of predefined tolerances between the invoice details and the PO/receipt details. Reconciliation messages can be created for cost and quantity differences, and can be used for a single method for resolving those differences.

See Reconcilation match messages