Match options

A match option determines how the invoice line is matched to the receipt line. Options are Extended, Unit, or Extended/Quantity. The match option is used for comparison of tolerance amounts and quantities on invoice and detail matches.

  • Extended option: match is based on the extended line amount.
  • Unit option: match receipt lines based on cost and quantity. The unit match option is not valid with Invoice Match.
  • Extended/Quantity option: match is based on the extended amount and on quantity at the header of the invoice and PO/Receipt. This option is only valid for Invoice Match.

If there is concern about matching the extended cost of the invoice line to the receipt line, then use the Unit option. With the Extended option, you have a higher match ratio. You can match receipts and invoices with the same extended amounts, but different quantities. With the Unit option, the invoice, receipt cost, and quantities match exactly. The tolerance only applies to the unit cost.