Creating a journal entry

A journal entry is composed of a journal control record and multiple transaction line records. The journal control record contains data that is shared by all the transaction lines such as ledger, accounting entity, journal number system, and posting date. You first create the journal control record, then you can add the transaction lines.

  1. Select Journals.
  2. On the Unreleased tab, click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Accounting Entity
    Select the accounting entity for the journal entry.
    The core ledger is the default. Select the ledger for the journal entry. The ledger must be associated with the accounting entity through one of the reporting bases.
    Post Date
    Specify the posting date. If you do not specify a post date, the end date of the current period is the default.
    New Journal Control Type
    Select the journal type:
    • Normal is the default type. Select this type if all transactions for the journal entry are within the same accounting entity.
    • Select Inter Entity if the transactions are cross accounting entities.
    Unique Journal ID
    Specify a unique ID for the journal entry. This field is optional unless it is set to Required on the Options tab of Finance Enterprise Group.

    The Unique Journal ID does not apply to system-created journals, such as recurring journals, auto-reversal journals, and inter-entity journals. See the Financials Setup and Administration Guide to set up your finance enterprise group option for Require Unique Journal ID.

    Specify a description for the journal entry. The description is used as the default value on the transaction lines as they are created.
    GL is the default system. Only GL and user defined systems can be used in online creation of journal entry.
    Transaction Date
    Specify the transaction date. The current date is the default.
    Currency Table
    Select DAILY_RATES for the currency table.
    The accounting entity functional currency is the default value in this field. You can select a different currency to use as the default value to the transaction lines.
    Global Ledger Event
    JE is the default event. You can select another event.
    Hold Code
    If this field is applicable, then select a hold code. The hold code prevents transactions from being posted. To define a hold code, click the arrow and click Create.
    Specify a Global Ledger reference number to be assigned to associated transactions when they are released.
    Approval Code
    Select the approval code for the journal entry.
    Auto Reverse
    Select this check box if you want all the transactions in the journal entry to be auto reversed. This field can be overridden at the transaction level.
    Auto Reverse Date
    This field is only applicable if you select Auto Reverse. You can select the specific date on which the transactions are auto reversed. If you do not select a date, then the first day of the next period is used.
    Is An Intercompany Billing Journal
    Select this check box to specify that the journal entry is an intercompany billing journal entry.
  4. Click Save. The journal control record is created. The Journal field is automatically assigned the next available number for the accounting entity and ledger.
  5. Optionally, select the For Elimination check box if the Journal Type is Inter Entity and related party elimination is set up. When the journal is released, a corresponding transaction is created for the accounting entity relation in the same journal in the elimination ledger.
  6. To view the currency rates in effect as of the transaction date, click the Currency Rates tab. The default values for the rates is from the transaction lines and can be overridden.
  7. To attach a document to the journal entry, click the Related Documents tab.