Projecting asset depreciation

You can project asset depreciation that is based on specific depreciation method, in-service date, convention, and basis. It is also based on optional depreciation factors such as salvage amount or salvage percent and table year.
  1. From the Leases menu, select a lease record.
  2. Click Assets.
  3. Open a leased asset.
  4. On the Books tab, select an asset book record.
  5. From the Actions menu, click Create Projections.
    Specify this information:
    Select a company number.
    Select a book name. Books are used by assets for calculating depreciation, replacement cost and insurance values and for reporting.
    For each of the five rows, specify this information:
    Select the method for the depreciation projection.
    Specify the asset life.
    Life Remaining
    Specify the amount of the asset life that remains.
    In service date
    Select the in-service date for the asset. This in-service date can be different for each depreciation book that is used.
    Select a depreciation convention in the projection. Conventions are used in determining the first and last year's amounts of depreciation to be taken.
    Specify the asset basis. This field is the amount on which depreciation is based.
    Salvage value
    Specify the salvage amount of the asset.
    Year to date
    Specify the year-to-date depreciation for the projection.
    Life to date
    Specify the life-to-date depreciation amount for the projection.
    Year placed in service
    Specify the year placed in service for the projection.
  6. Click OK.
    Results are displayed on the Projections tab as Row, Period and Depreciation.