Creating item forecasts

  1. Select Inventory Forecast.
  2. Specify the company, location, item, and year for the forecast.
  3. Specify the forecast number and optionally a quarter for the forecast. You must define a quarter if you set up weekly periods in Period End Dates. Use these guidelines for the quarter values:
    • First Quarter (for weekly periods 1 through 13)
    • Second Quarter (for weekly periods 14 through 26)
    • Third Quarter (for weekly periods 27 through 39)
    • Fourth Quarter (for weekly periods 40 through 52)

    If you specify a quarter, then only those periods for the quarter are affected by the action code.

    You can assign this forecast number to an item at an item location using Item Location.

  4. Set up your forecast-specific information.

    Specify this information:

    Specify how to process the number of units. Select Spread to evenly divide the number of units for the first period over the total number of periods set up in Period End Dates. If the number is not evenly divisible, then the remaining quantity is added to the last period. Select Duplicate to copy the number of units for the period to each blank period.
    Specify the number of units used in the period.
    Specify the cost amount for the number of units used in the period.
  5. Click OK to run the process now or click Schedule to schedule the action to run later.