Emailing remittance advice to vendors

Before you can perform this task, the remittance advice document must be generated. To verify this, the value of the Has Remittance IDM Document column must be Yes. For more details, see Processing Payables payment output files.
  1. Select Payment Output Files.
  2. Select a record.
  3. Select All Actions menu > Email Remittance Advice.
  4. To email only a specific transaction within the record, perform these steps:
    1. Open a record.
    2. In the Payment Output File Details section, select a transaction.
    3. Select All Actions menu > Email Remittance Advice.
  5. Specify this information:
    Specify the email address of the sender.
    To, Cc
    Specify the email address of the recipients. This is only available when emailing a specific transaction within the record.
    Specify the subject line of the email.
    Email Templates
    Optionally, select an email template.
  6. Click Submit.
    The value of the Email Sent For Remittance Advice column becomes Yes.