Project structure validation setup

Project structure validation is used to create relations between projects and dimensions on the finance enterprise group and to define validation rules for each relation.

You can use both structure relations and project structure validations or you can use only one of the components. If both components are used, then project structure validations are performed after the structure relation validations.

This list shows the steps to set up project structure validations:

  1. Select a Project Structure Validation Dimension on the finance enterprise group.

    The Project Structure Validation tab is displayed.

  2. Create the relations and the validation rules for each relation.

    See Creating project structure validations.

  3. Enable project structure validation.

    See Enabling and disabling project structure validation.

Validation process

Project structure validations are performed at the posting project and posting dimension level first. If a match is not found, then the validation is performed on the next level up in the hierarchy. The validation process is repeated until a match is found or the parent level of the project structure is reached. If a Project Structure Validation <Dimension> is used, then this list shows the order in which the rules are applied until a match is found:

  1. A rule for the posting project and the posting Project Structure Validation <Dimension>.
  2. A rule for the summary project that includes the project and the posting Project Structure Validation <Dimension>.
  3. A rule for the posting project where the Project Structure Validation <Dimension> is blank.
  4. A rule for the summary project that includes posting project where the Project Structure Validation <Dimension> is blank.

If no rule exists that matches the project and the Project Structure Validation <Dimension>, then an error is returned.

We recommend that you create default rules for the summary project at the parent level of each project structure. You can copy default rules that have already been created to save time.