Mapping Async queues

  1. Select Async Administrator > Async Framework Components > Queue Mappings.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Async Queue Definition
    Specify the Async queue name.
    Async Queue Mapping
    Specify a number for the order that the queue mapping has relative to other mappings. For example, a value of 2 puts the mapping second.
    Specify an actor.
    Data Area
    Select a data area for the mapping.
    Specify the business class.
    Specify the queue action.
    Mapping Field 1,2
    Specify up to two mapping fields.
    Save History
    Select whether to save the history of the queue mapping. Select Queue Default to match the choice of the corresponding Async queue.
    Select Normal.
    Log Producer Name
    Leave this field blank for Async queue mapping.
  4. Click Save to return to the queue screen or click Save and New to save the current queue mapping and create another.