Asset locations

Asset locations are labels that you use to group assets for reporting. They can be labels for physical or geographical areas in a company, such as departments, site addresses, or regions. Asset locations are optional and are subordinate to companies in the reporting hierarchy. You can sort data on reports by location.

For example, you can run reports that provide asset data including serial number for use in a physical inventory of assets by location.

An asset location can contain multiple location details. Asset location details are used to assign a physical inventory location to barcoded asset items.

You can create location names to organize reporting for assets. Asset locations are not required for asset accounting. After you define locations, you can set up reports to report only the assets in a specified location or sort assets by location. Asset location codes can include detailed location information on the standard property report.

If you are running a property report or if you are using barcoding to track assets in physical inventory, you must define locations.