Viewing bank statement interface files

  1. Select Cash Administrator > Utilities > Bank Statement Interface.
  2. Open a bank statement interface header record.
  3. This information is displayed:
    Bank Statement Interface Header
    A unique system-generated number for the bank statement interface header record is displayed here.
    File Format
    This field shows the bank statement file format.
    File Name
    This field shows the file name of the bank import file.
    Import Date
    This field shows the date the file is imported.
    Expected Number Of Records
    This field shows the expected number of records in a file type as read by the system.
    Actual Number Of Records
    This field shows the actual number of records as compared to the expected number of records that were counted by the system. This count is performed to check whether the complete file was imported. If the file is not completely imported, then an error message is displayed.
    This field shows the status of the bank statement.
  4. To view bank statements in the original format, click the Attachment tab.
  5. If the bank statement has unresolved issues, select the Errors tab to view a list of the error messages for the file.
  6. If the error states that the bank statement already exists for the cash account number and the bank statement date, select Actions > Skip Error.
    An error means that the bank statement for that account and date are skipped. Move your pointer over the yellow triangle on the bank statement interface record to view the message.