Creating finance resources

  1. Select Finance Resources.
  2. Click Create and select an Employee.
  3. On the Details tab, specify this information:
    Reference 1
    Specify up to two references.
    Reference 2
    Specify up to two references.
    Select the country for the employee. When the Country is selected, you can provide a full address.
    Select the type of address for the employee.
    Specify the latitude of the location.
    Specify the longitude of the location.
    Specify the altitude of the location.
    Specify the title of the employee.
    US Resident
    Optionally, select this check box if you are tracking resident or non-resident status for a resource. This information is for reporting or auditing purposes, for example, non-resident resources who are assigned as signers to certain cash management accounts.
    Invoice Submitted For My Approval
    Select the check box to receive email notifications for invoices that are submitted for approval.
    Invoice Rejected
    Select the check box to receive email notifications for rejected invoices.
  4. Click Save.