Creating Payables companies

A Payables company can represent a physical location, a processing center, or any other entity for the business. A Payables company can be used to define these options that are required at the company level:

  • Invoice entry options
  • Default codes
  • Other default invoice processing options
  • Other default payment processing options
  1. Select Financials > Payables > Payables Setup > Companies.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a code and description for the company. The code and description must be the same as your global ledger company.
    Vendor Group
    Assign a valid vendor group to the company. You can assign the same vendor group to multiple companies.
    Pay Group
    Assign the company to a valid pay group. A pay group is used to process payments. The company must have the same base currency as the posting company that is assigned to the pay group. The pay group is used for all process levels that are defined for the company unless you override it. A pay group must be defined at the process level.
  4. On the Main tab, specify this information:
    Voucher Prefix
    Specify a voucher prefix.
    Allow Concurrent Load Interface Invoices
    Select this check box to enable concurrent load interface invoices.
    Invoice Accrual Code
    Select an invoice accrual code for the company. This field represents the default global ledger account for the company.
    Invoice Accrual Account
    Optionally, select the accounting dimensions, account, and sub accounts.
    Global Withholding
    Select this check box to enable international withholding options.
    Income Withholding Code
    Specify the global ledger income withholding account. This is used to track reportable withholding for vendors.
    Note: If you prefer not to track reportable withholding, select the Allow Override Of Company Income Withholding Code check box when creating a vendor.
    Invoice Withholding Account
    Optionally, select the accounting dimensions, account, and sub accounts.
    Withholding Rate
    Specify the withholding rate. This rate is assigned an income code and then applied to payments for vendors marked for income withholding.
    Secondary Withholding
    Select the check box if secondary withholding is applicable. This rate is applicable to all vendors.
    Note: If vendors are exempt, select the Secondary Withholding Exempt check box when creating a vendor.
    Secondary Withholding Codes
    Select up to three secondary withholding codes. Secondary withholding codes represent global ledger income withholding accounts. These codes are used to accrue secondary withholding for vendors.
    Note: You can also define secondary withholding codes at the vendor level.
    Discount Code
    Specify a global ledger discount account.
    Discount Account
    Select a global ledger discount account for the discount code.
    Retainage Accrual Code
    This code is the default accrual code of invoices, payments, and distributions for vendor contracts with retainage.
    Retainage Accrual Account
    Optionally, select the accounting dimensions, account, and sub accounts.
    Cash Code
    Select a cash code for the company.
    Invoice Routing Category
    Specify the invoice routing category for the company.
  5. On the Options tab, specify this information:
    Posting Option
    Select whether the company is posted in detail or in summary.
    Tax Recovery on Discount
    Select this check box if you are required to subtract the discount amount from the amount of tax that is owed. This is attributable to the sales or VAT tax.
    Terms Calculation
    Select the date from which the invoice due date and discount date are calculated.
    Float Days
    Specify the number of days to add to the best terms calculation. This is valid if the vendor enables a specific number of days for payment to arrive and gives the customer the discount.
    Best Terms
    Select the check box to recalculate the terms during matching.
    Invoice Date Edit Begin, Invoice Date Edit End
    Specify a date range to use to edit against invoice dates at the time that the invoice is created. If the invoice date falls outside of the dates that are specified at the company level, then a message is displayed.
    Create Transit Distributions
    Select this check box to create transit distributions. Use this option to create transit invoices and record the company's tax liability. If you select this option, you must also specify a default Distribution Code that is used to assign invoice expense to a transit expense account.
    Distribution Code
    Select a distribution code to automatically create expense distributions for invoices or to split an invoice distribution into multiple distributions.
    Invoice Item Detail Account
    Optionally, select the accounting dimensions, account, and sub accounts.
    Allow Bank Instructions Override On Invoice
    Select this check box to enable the override of bank instructions on the invoice.
    Prorate Gain Loss Amount To Distributions
    Select this check box if the gain and loss amount from the invoice to distributions must be prorated.
    Assign Voucher Reference
    Select this check box to use voucher reference numbering.
    Note: The Voucher Reference Format and Voucher Reference Reporting Basis fields are displayed after the Assign Voucher Reference check box is selected.
    Voucher Reference Format
    Right-click the field to select the variable or variables to use for the voucher reference format.
    Variable Description
    YEAR YYYY A four-digit number to represent the year.
    YEAR YY A two-digit number to represent the year.
    MONTH MM A two-digit number to represent the month.
    999999999999 A 12-digit sequence number that is reset to 1 every year.
    000000000009 A padded 12-digit sequence number that is reset to 1 every year.
    999999 A six-digit sequence number that is reset to 1 every year.
    000009 A padded six-digit sequence number that is reset to 1 every year.
    Voucher Reference Reporting Basis
    Select the reporting basis that is identified for the locale's statutory reporting.
    Distribution Reference Default
    Select whether the default distribution reference is Voucher, Invoice, or Purchase Order.
    Mark As Paid Offset Account
    Optionally, select the accounting dimensions, account, and sub accounts.
  6. In the Tax Processing and Match Invoice Tax Tolerance sections, specify this information:
    Tax Accrual Entity Override
    Select this check box if the tax accrual entity can be overridden.
    Tax Tolerance Amount
    Specify the tax tolerance amount for this company, vendor group, and pay group.
    Tax Code
    Select a tax code. A tax code is required to balance the tax-out-of-tolerance invoices during the match process.
    Tax Rounding Account
    Specify the dimensions to use with tax rounding.
  7. In the Interface To Receivables section, specify this information:
    Interface To Receivables
    Select this check box if this company's payables data must be interfaced to receivables data.
    Detail Receivables Interface
    Select this check box to create detail records for receivables interfacing.
    Interface Hold Code
    Select an interface hold code for the company.
    Invoice Prefix
    Specify the prefix that is attached to the invoice number.
  8. In the Global section, specify this information:
    Foreign Trade And Payment Report
    Select this check box to include the Foreign Trade And Payment Report.
    Report Threshold Amount
    Specify the threshold amount for the foreign trade and payment report.
    Claims and Liabilities Report
    Select this check box to include a claims and liabilities report. This report contains the sum of all open payables and receivables invoices.
    Report Threshold Amount
    Specify the threshold amount for the claims and liabilities report.
    Output XML
    Select No XML. For German companies, select Germany.
  9. Click Save.