Attaching sub accounts to accounts with a sub account group

If you use sub accounts, then you can attach a group of sub accounts to an account. You can also attach them to the charts that use the account.

  1. Select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > Finance Enterprise Group > Maintenance.
  2. Open the finance enterprise group and click the Account tab.
  3. Open the account to which to add the sub accounts.
    If the sub accounts are not included in a sub account group, create the sub account group.
  4. Use these steps to crate the sub account group:
    1. In the Valid Sub Accounts field, click the arrow and click Create.
    2. Specify this information:
      Custom Group
      Specify the name and description of the custom group.
      Effective Date
      Specify the date that the custom group takes effect. The current date is the default.
      Business Class
      The GeneralLedgerSubAccount business class is displayed. If you create a sub account custom group outside of this form, then you must specify this business class.
      Specify the criteria that must be met to be part of the sub account group. You can also use the Builder tool. For example, these criteria create a group of sub accounts 001 through 009:
      (GeneralLedgerSubAccount >= "001" and GeneralLedgerSubAccount <= "009")
    3. Click Save.
  5. In the Valid Sub Accounts field, select the group that includes the sub accounts to add to the account.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Create Sub Accounts.
  8. In the Account In Chart field, specify the account if it is already included in the chart. Otherwise, specify a like account that is included in the chart. You do this so that the sub accounts can be added to the same chart branch.
    Note: Do not specify a chart account if you plan on adding multiple new sub accounts to chart accounts at once.

    See Adding multiple new sub accounts to chart accounts.

  9. Click OK. The sub accounts are added to every chart that includes the account that you selected in the Account In Chart field.
    Note: You can add sub accounts on the Sub Accounts tab. If you add a sub account that fits in a custom group that is assigned to an account, then the Create Sub Accounts button is available. You can include the added sub account to any chart that includes the account.