Trading partner-specific UOM

If a trading partner uses a unique or non-standard UOM value, you can enable trading partner-specific UOM lookups. Use a list name of L1_<direction>_USE_TP_UOM. Then create TP-specific UOM substitutions using List Name, <tpid>_<direction>_UOM.

Use this information for Outbound-specific lookups:
Field Value Comments/Examples
Your Name L1_O_USE_TP_UOM
Your Value <tpid>
Partner Value Y
Field Value Comments/Examples
Your Name <tpid>_O_UOM Instead of L1, the trading partner ID is used.
Your Value <unit of measure> EACH
Partner Value <X12 UOM code > EA
Use this information for Inbound-specific lookups:
Field Value Comments/Examples
Your Name L1_I_USE_TP_UOM
Your Value Y
Partner Value <tpid>
Field Value Comments/Examples
Your Name <tpid>_I_UOM Instead of L1, the trading partner ID is used.
Your Value <unit of measure> EACH
Partner Value <X12 UOM code > EA