Data substitution

Third-party account numbers or other identifiers can be cross-referenced with your values for vendor, supplier, manufacturer code, and manufacturer division.

N1 segments are processed during 832 translation. The fourth element, N104, is used to look up identifiers.

The third party in an N1 segment is identified by the qualifier and the first element, which is N101. For other EDI processing, such as 810 or 856, N1 segments with an ST qualifier in the N1ST element are used to cross reference company, vendor, etc.

The 832 can have multiple N1 segments with unique N101 qualifiers to identify the parties. For example, SE seller, VN vendor, SU supplier or MF manufacturer. During 832 translation, N1MF segments are used to identify a manufacturer. All other N1 segments are processed to try to identify the seller or the vendor.


N1^RE^REMIT TO PARTY^91^943561654~

N1^SE^SELLING PARTY^91^943561654~



