Creating new contracts from interface records for one supplier

You can create contracts from either the Create New GPO Contracts menu item, or in supplier mapping by selecting the GPO Contracts To Create button. This shows the same list as when you use Create New GPO Contract, but only for one supplier.

  1. Sign in as Contract Manager.
  2. Select Contract Interface > GPO Interface > Creation.
  3. Click Create New Interface Contract. This action is only available when the supplier is mapped.
  4. Fields that are specified on the contract group are automatically displayed on the Create New Contract Interface page.
  5. Specify this information:
    Contract Group
    Select a contract group.
    Specify the GPO.
    Type Of Contract
    Select the type of contract.
    • Manufacturer

      Manufacturer is the most common contract type, therefore it is the default.

    • Distributor

      Used for distributor direct contracts.

    • Service

      You can create service contracts that are designated as GPO contracts. Service contracts do not have items/lines in the GPO data. Lines are added later.

    • Multi Tier Distributor

      Used for distributor direct contracts with multiple tiers. These are created in Contract Management as manufacturer contracts to allow for the handling of multiple tiers. Multi Tier Distributors are not associated with distributor contracts. Unlike other GPO related manufacturer contracts, multi tier distributor contracts can have both tier costs and tiers with markups.

    Contract Type
    Select a contract type.
    Contract Classification
    Select a contract classification.
    Manufacturer Code Division
    If this field value is not specified on supplier mapping, select the manufacturer code division.
    Select a contact.
    Use GPO Contract Number As Working Contract
    Select this check box to show the GPO contract number on both the contract interface and contract record.
    Member Processing
    Select a member processing option.
  6. Click OK.